About Us
Joe Griffin Media Ministries was founded in 2005 as a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization incorporated and operating under the laws of the State of Missouri and is a separate organization from Grace Doctrine Church. The purpose of the ministry is to make doctrinal Bible teaching by Joe Griffin available without charge or obligation.
The media that are distributed by JGMM include:
- World Wide Web: All Bible classes taught at GDC are broadcast live over JGMM’s Web site and are accessible from its home page. For current class schedule please check the home page. In addition, the audio of each class is stored on the site’s Archives pages and may be streamed at any time including access to the lesson notes and visuals used by Pastor Griffin. These lessons may also be downloaded in MP3 format. Almost 4,000 Bible classes are available on the site. The Web site’s address is www.joegriffin.org.
- Live Video. Beginning in January 2016, all Bible classes both live and recorded are televised by the Web site.
- Digital Media: The audio and, since 2016, video of each lesson are recorded and then transferred to the Web site’s server. All lessons can be accessed, streamed and downloaded from www.joegriffin.org.
- Print Media: JGMM publishes books developed from Pastor Griffin’s class notes and are distributed at the church or, upon request, through U. S. Mail. For a list of currently available publications, click here. Copies of Pastor Griffin’s pulpit notes are available on request and are distributed via e-mail through Google Group. To enroll in this service, click here.
- Media Fulfillment: All Bible classes contained in the site’s Archives may be obtained on compact disk in MP3 format. The “current study” is distributed once a month to subscribers, each disk containing the audio of the previous month’s Bible classes, lesson notes, and visuals. These disks are distributed in three ways: (1) at the church, (2) automatically each month to subscribers, or (3) individually on request. All other classes may be ordered from the inventory on request with a limit of 30 lessons per month. Publications by Joe Griffin Media Ministries are also distributed by this department on request. For a list of currently available publications, click here.
- How to order disks and publications: Orders may be placed by request through the mail. When ordering audio disks by mail, include the precise code and lesson numbers desired. For example, if the James: Chapter One study is chosen, you would stipulate “JAS1-01 through JAS1-30.” This would indicate you want to start with the first lesson and receive the maximum number of lessons permitted each month, i.e., 30. If ordering books, stipulate the title and number of copies desired. Please be sure to provide your name, complete mailing address and send to:
Joe Griffin Media Ministries
1821 South River Road St. Charles,
MO 63303-4124